When she died, some weeks ago, I wondered how I could pay a homage to her. She was one of the most important politicians in the 20th Century and we cannot understand our recent History without her. I am talking about the Iron Lady according to the name that a Soviet journalist used to describe her. Margaret Thatcher died and Great Britain and the World remember the Thatcherism.
Margaret Thatcher or Maggie was born in a working class family of Granthman, England. Her father owned a grocery shop and money was extremely important for him. He had known what famine and poverty were. Maggie also learned that she had to take care of money and keep incomes and expenses under control.
Margarent Thatcher studied Chemistry at Oxford University and then, Laws. She became very interested on Politics so she joined Conservative Party. She wanted to be important in a world of men!
In May 1979, after being secretary of state for Education and Science (1970 - 1974) and leader of oposition of the Conservative Party (1975 - 1979) she became Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. Arriving at 10 Downing Street, she said:
"Where there is discord, may we bring harmony. Where there is error, may we bring truth. Where there is doubt, may we bring faith. And where there is despair, may we bring hope."
Her goals were to keep the public expensives under control, to reduce the Government's role and to eliminate taxes. With her friend Ronald Reagan, the president of the USA, Maggie changed the Economic Philosophy and the International relationships completely.
During her government, she made friends and enemies. In 1982, when the Military Junta in Argentina ordered the invasion of the British Falklands Islands, Margaret Thatcher replied hard. She declared war on Argentina and the British Army reconquered the distant islands. It was the greatest military success for Great Britain since the World War II!
After wining elections again in 1987, Thatcher contributed to the fall of the Berlin Wall. In 1990, Maggie was replaced by John Major as chief of the Conservative Party and as Prime Minister. The old Iron Lady had made too many enemies and nobody trusted her.
Without any doubt, Margaret Thatcher was one of the essential leaders to understand the History of Great Britain and the Western World. Maybe she made many mistakes. Maybe she was too hard. But she contributed to create our world. Actually, she was the Iron Lady.
It is my homage to her.
Margaret Thatcher
(1925 - 2013)
*This is my first report in English. All the reports about the "English world" (the UK, the USA, Australia, etc.) will be in English since now. If you want to a translation, ask me for it!